Our reading and art program began being offered to the Morongo Basin school district in in April 2018. We continue to add to our program by servicing more community homeschool students and daycares.
Our goal is to provide these enrichment activities with supplemental family activities that can be done at home to further the learning and connection with those family members at home.
Please check back often to access the resources we will be offering for free online.
This is the current list of books Spark Growth uses for the program.
Please check back often for additions.
5 Birds On a Wire- Melanie Charlene 50 Science Activities for your Kindergarten Classroom-Scholastic Inc. A Book About Bubbles (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science, Stage 1) Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1-Bradley, Kimberly, Miller, Margaret, Collins A Campfire Tail-Marsh, Sarah Glenn, Gómez, Ana A Coloring Book of American Indians-Not Available A Desert Habitat-Kelley MacAulay, Bobbie Kalman A Friend Like No Other-H. Norman Wright A Frog in the Bog-Karma; Rankin, Joan Wilson A Guide to Spiders and Their Kin-Herbert Walter Levi, Lorna R. Levi A hatful of seuss-Mary Pope Osborne A House for Hermit Crab (Big Book Version)-Eric Carle A Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln-Alexandra Wallner, John Wallner A Rainbow of Friends-P. K. Hallinan Abraham Lincoln Easy Reader-Marcia S. Gresko Air Is All Around You-Franklyn M. Branley All Kinds of Children-Norma Simon, Diane Paterson All Kinds of Farms-Daniel Shepard All the Colors of the Earth-Sheila Hamanaka Animals and Plant Life Cycles: Science Lesson for Kids (Books)-Perigard, Kimberly Antarctica-Helen Cowcher Anti-Bullying STEAM Curriculum for Preschoolers and Kindergarten Kids-Michelle Korenfeld Archaeology Thematic Unit-Mary Ellen Sterling Are You Ready for Bed?-Jane Johnson Art & Max-Wiesner, David Art Master Class- Wassily Kandinsky Arthur's Nose-Marc Brown Arthur's Thanksgiving (Arthur Adventures)-Marc Brown Astronomy Today-Dinah L. Moché At the Base of the Mountain-Traci Sorell Ayam merah kecil-Miller Baby Rattlesnake-Te Ata Bailey Goes Camping-Kevin Henkes Bears, bears,bears-Jo Ellen Moore Because of an Acorn: (Nature Autumn Books for Children, Picture Books about Acorn Trees)-Schaefer, Lola M., Schaefer, Adam, Preston-Gannon, Frann, Chronicle Books Bedhead-Palatini, Margie, Davis, Jack E., Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers Big and easy science-Dianna Sullivan Big Brown Bear-David M. McPhail Big Red Barn-Margaret Wise Brown Bird Builds a Nest: A First Science Storybook-Jenkins, Martin Birds Build Nests-Yvonne Winer Bowwow Powwow - Child, Brenda J., Thunder, Jonathan, Jourdain, Gordon Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum-Lisa Wheeler Bubble Trouble (Rookie Readers) Rookie Readers-Hulme, Joy N, Cressy, Mike, Children's Press(CT) Bugs are insects-Anne Rockwell Bugs, Bugs, Bugs-Bob Barner Buster-Denise Fleming Catch Me, Catch Me!-Rev. W Awdry Catch That Cookie!-Hallie Durand Celebrating Presidents' Day-Kimberly Jordano, Trisha Callella-Jones, Joel Kupperstein Chicka chicka boom boom-Bill Martin, John Archambault Children around the world-Bill Kresse Chinese New Year's Dragon-Rachel Sing Christopher Columbus-Marion Dane Bauer, Liz Goulet Dubois Civil Rights Crusaders: Martin Luther King Jr-Barbara Linde Cleversticks-Bernard Ashley Clouds-Marion Dane Bauer The Color Monster: A Story About Emotions A Story About Emotions The Color Monster-Llenas, Anna Colors-The Education Center Community Workers Thematic Unit-Darlene Hardwick, Debbie Thompson Copycats-Maria Fleming, Hans Wilhelm Coral Reef-Susan Canizares, Mary Reid Corn Is Maize-Aliki Count Your Way Through Japan-James Haskins Curious George and the Kite-Monica Perez, Joe Fallon Cutie Sue Fights the Germs-Kate Melton Detective Dog and the Disappearing Doughnuts-Valerie Garfield, Paul Harvey Dinosaurs-Claude Delafosse, Gallimard Jeunesse (Publisher) Discover American Indian Ways-Pamela Soeder, Beattie Laura C., Pam Creasy, Yosta Boots, Louise Craft DK Readers: Winking, Blinking, Wiggling & Waggling (Level 2: Beginning to Read Alone)-Brian Moses Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus-Mo Williams Do Unto Otters-Laurie Keller Do You Know Colors?-Katherine Howard Do You Want to be My Friend?-Eric Carle Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?-Eric Carle Dogs and Puppies-Katherine Starke, Fiona Watt Doodle Dog in Space-Eric Seltzer Dragons Love Tacos-Adam Rubin Earthquack!-Margie Palatini Easy-to-Make Plains Indians Teepee Village-A. G. Smith Eating the Alphabet-Lois Ehlert Ed Emberley's Great Thumbprint Drawing Book-Emberley, Ed, LB Kids Einstein's Adventures in Joshua Tree National Park-Mingo Morvin Eleanor's Enormous Ears-Wendy Cheyette Lewison Elephants on board-Suse MacDonald Eric Carle's Very Little Library: The very hungry caterpillar (1st board book ed., 1994)-Eric Carle Farm-Penny Arlon, Penelope Arlon, Tory Gordon-Harris Favorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose-Scott Gustafson Feel the Wind-DORROS, Arthur Dorros Feelings to Share from A to Z-Todd Snow, Peggy Snow Fish Wish-Bob Barner Flags of the world-Neil Morris Flicker of Hope-Julia Cook Fossils tell of long ago-Aliki Friends-Helme Heine Frog and toad together-Arnold Lobel, M. Froggy Plays Soccer-Jonathan London, Frank Remkiewicz From a Tadpole to Frog- Let's Read and Find Out Science-Wendy Pfeffer G Is for Golden-David Domeniconi, Pamela Carroll George Washington Easy Reader-Marcia S. Gresko Getting to Know Your Puppy-Gill Page Giant Pandas-Allan Fowler Gigi and Lulu's Gigantic Fight-Pamela Duncan Edwards, Henry Cole Gilberto and the Wind-Marie Hall Ets Giraffes Can't Dance-Giles Andreae Giving Thanks-Jake Swamp Glad Monster, Sad Monster-Ed Emberley, Anne Miranda, LB Kids Going to Sleep on the Farm-Wendy Cheyette Lewison, Juan Wijngaard Goodnight Moon-Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd Green Eggs and Ham-Dr. Seuss Growly Bear: A Bear Who Discovers It's Best to be Himself-Adams, Aiden, Adams, Neal Guess how Much I Love You-Sam McBratney Gung Hay Fat Choy-June Behrens Hero Mom- Melinda Hardin Hop Jump-Walsh, Ellen Stoll, Sandpiper How a seed grows-Helene Jamieson Jordan How an Egg Grows Into a Chicken-Tanya Kant, Carolyn Franklin How Groundhog's Garden Grew-Lynne Cherry How the Wind Blows-Katherine Marko, Bettye Rene Beach How to Shade: A Beginner's Guide to Shading Techniques, Including Step By Step Exercises, Tips & Tricks-Yanconsky, Liron Hungry Plants (Step-into-Reading, Step 4)-Mary Batten I Am an Artist-Pat Lowery Collins I Can Do Hard Things-Gabby Garcia I Can Quilt-Sandra L. Hatch, Sue Harvey I Don’t Want to be a Frog- Petty, Dev, Boldt, Mike, Dragonfly Books I Have a Little Problem, Said the Bear-Heinz Janisch I Love My Little Storybook-Anita Jeram I Want to Be a Clown-Sharon Sliter Johnson I Want to Be an Astronaut-Byron Barton I Wonder Why the Wind Blows-Anita Ganeri I'm Gonna Like Me-Jamie Lee Curtis I'm NOT just a Scribble-Diane Alber I'm not scared!-Jonathan Allen I'm sorry! I'm sorry!-Steve Metzger Icky Bug Numbers-Jerry Pallotta, David Biedrzycki, Rob Bolster If the Dinosaurs Came Back-Most, Bernard, If You Grew Up with George Washington-Ruth Belov Gross, Emily Arnold McCully In Daddy's Arms I Am Tall-Folami Abiade, Dinah Johnson, In the Desert (Wild Wonders Series)-Ann Cooper Is a Camel a Mammal?-Tish Rabe, Jim Durk Is This My Home (Barron's play pal)-Dick Dudley Its mine-Parragon Jackrabbits/ Liebres Americanas (Animals That Live in the Desert/ Animales Del Desierto) (English and Spanish Edition)-Joann Early Macken Janice VanCleave's Dinosaurs for Every Kid: Easy Activities that Make Learning Science Fun-Janice VanCleave Just Enough Carrots-Stuart J. Murphy Just Grandpa and Me-Mercer Mayer Just Me and My Dad-Mercer Mayer Kapow!-George O'Connor Kenya's Art-Trice, Linda, Mitchell, Hazel Kids Color Theory: Contemparay color mixing guide with pigmented colorants for children-Elaun, Spramani Keith Haring: The Boy Who Just Kept Drawing-Haring, Kay, Neubecker King Jack and the Dragon-Peter Bently Let's Explore the Solar System (Planets) -Professor, Baby Little Bear's Big Sweater-Bedford, David, Pedler, Caroline Little Boy Blue-Waldman Little Cloud-Eric Carle Little Inchkin-Fiona French Little Monkey Calms Down-Dahl, Michael, Vidal, Oriol, Picture Window Books Little Red Hen-Leslie Tryon Little Red Hen (Look-Look)-Golden Books Llama Llama Mad at Mama-Anna Dewdney Maggi and Milo-Juli Brenning Mary Had a Little Jam and Other Silly Rhymes-Bruce Lansky Math and patch butterfly-Morris Flicking Mooncake-Frank Asch Moonday-Rex, Adam, Mother Goose and Nursery Rhymes-Golden Books Mother Goose's Animal Farm-Mother Goose Mouse Paint-Ellen Stoll Walsh Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?-Dr. Seuss Mrs. Flutterbee and the Funny Farm-Kati Bee Muldoon-Pamela Duncan Edwards Mutt Dog-Stephen Michael King My Bedtime Book of Favorite Nursery Rhymes-Roger Priddy My Many Colored Days-Dr. Seuss, Steve Johnson, Lou Fancher My Mouth is a Volcano-Julia Cook My Pop-up Surprise ABC-Robert Crowther Mysteries and Marvels of Insect Life-Jennifer Owen, Ian Jackson, Alan Harris Namu making friends with a killer whale-Ronald Fisher, M. Narwhal's Otter Friend (A Narwhal and Jelly Book #4)-Ben Clanton Night Catch-Brenda Ehrmantraut Not Quite Narwhal-Jessie Sima Now I'm Growing! Hands are not for Hurting (Reinforced Library Binding)-IKids Ocean-Susan Canizares, Pamela Chanko Officer Panda: Fingerprint Detective Officer Panda-Crowley, Ashley Oh Say Can You Seed?: All About Flowering Plants (Cat in the Hat's Learning Library)-Bonnie Worth Old MacDonald-World Creations Oliver Finds His Way-Phyllis Root One Hundred Shoes: A Math Reader (Step-Into-Reading, Step 2) Step into Read/Math(R)(Step 2)- Ghigna, Charles, Staake, Bob, Random House Books for Young Readers Optical Illusions-DK Orly the Orangutan-Jan Davis Our World-National Geographic Society (U.S.) Owl Sees Owl-Godwin, Laura, Dunlavey, Rob, Schwartz & Wade Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?-Bill Martin, Jr. Paper airplane power-Louis Weber Parrots (Zoobooks Series)-John Bonnett Wexo Patterns-Samantha Berger, Daniel Moreton Penguin's special delivery-Debi Gliori Perfectly Peculiar Plants: Take a Walk through Earth's Weirdest, Wildest and Most Take a Walk through Earth's Weirdest, Wildest and Most-Thorogood, Chris Planting a Rainbow (Harcourt Brace Big Books)-Lois Ehlert Plantzilla-Jerdine Nolen Playful Puppies-Playmore Presidents-James Barber Puppy Mind-Andrew Jordan Nance Push 'N' Pull Book of Opposites-Graham Brown Quick, Quack, Quick!-Marsha Diane Arnold Quilt Counting-Lesa Cline-Ransome, James E. Ransome Ranger Rick's Dinosaur Book-National Foundation Recycle every day!-Nancy Elizabeth Wallace Red, White, and Blue-John Herman Reduce, Reuse, Recycle-Rozanne Lanczak Williams Rockets and Spaceships-Karen Wallace Rocks and minerals experiments-Library Science Round Trip-Ann Jonas, HARCOURT SCHOOL PUBLISHERS Scholastic's The magic school bus activity guide-Scholastic Inc Scholastic's The Magic School Bus: Season Four Activity Guide-Karolyn Kendrick Science Experiments and Amusements for Children-Charles Vivian Science with Plants-Mike Unwin Scott Foresman Reading-Arthur Dorros See and Explore Library: Dinosaurs and How They Lived-Steve Parker Seeing Symmetry-Leedy, Loreen, Holiday House See the Circus-H. A. Rey Sensational Me-Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company, Incorporated, HighReach Learning Sharing Time-Elizabeth Verdick Shark and other sea creatures dictionary-Clint Twist Sky Color-Peter H. Reynolds Small talk-Jan Pienkowski Snakes (Zoobooks Series)-John Bonnett Wexo Snip Snap!-Mara Bergman Snow Bears-Martin Waddell Snow Day!-Patricia Lakin Snow Is Falling-Franklyn M. Branley Snowie Rolie-William Joyce Solar system-Kids Discover Sometimes I Wonder If Poodles Like Noodles--Laura Numeroff Sometimes I'm Bombaloo - Paperback - Scholastic Edition 2004-Rachel Vail Space-DK Publishing Spiders!-Christopher Nicholas, Michael S. Maydak Spots of Light: A Book About Stars (Amazing Science: Exploring the Sky) Amazing Science: Exploring the Sky-Meachen Rau, Dana, Shea, Denise Step into Spring: A New Season (DISCOVERY WORLD : FIRST STEPS TO SCIENCE)-Jane Belk Moncure, Child's World (Firm) Sticks-Diane Alber Stone Soup-Marcia Brown Storm Is Coming!-Heather Tekavec Sun Up, Sun Down: The Story of Day and Night (Science Works)-Bailey, Jacqui, Lilly, Matthew, Bailey, Jacqui/ Lilly, Matthew (ILT) Super Flyers-Neil Francis, June Bradford Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to the Comic Book Universe A Visual Guide to the Comic Book Universe -Leong, Tim, Chronicle Books Swimmy-Leo Lionni Tadpole and Frog-Christine Back, Barrie Watts Teddy's Snowy Day-Ian Beck Ten Apples Up on Top! (Bright & Early Board Books(TM))-Theo Lesieg The Artist who Painted a Blue Horse-Eric Carle The Bad Seed -John, Jory, Oswald, Pete, Harpercollins The Bending Joshua Tree-Melanie Stine-Shannon The Best of "The Mailbox" Theme Series 'Transportation'-Mailbox The Big Wide-Mouthed Frog-Ana MartÃn Larrañaga The Biggest Leaf Pile-Steve Metzger The Bunny Book-Richard Scarry The Cat in the Hat-Dr. Seuss The Day of the Dinosaur-Stan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain The Day the Crayons Quit- Daywalt, Drew, Jeffers, Oliver, Philomel Books The Emotional Color Wheel: Elementary Edition: A Guide to Creating Expressionist Art for Children-Gibbons, Eric The Goat in the Rug- Charles I. Blood The Golden Egg-A.J. Wood, Maggie Kneen The Golden Songbook-Katharine Wessells The Grouchy Ladybug-Eric Carle The Jacket I Wear in the Snow-Shirley Neitzel The Kids Book of the Night Sky-Ann Love, Heather Collins, Jane Drake The Kindness Quilt-Nancy Elizabeth Wallace The Kissing Hand-Audrey Penn The Masterpiece (One Big Canvas)-Miletsky, Jay, The Mine-o-saur-Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen The Mixed-Up Chameleon-Eric Carle The nature trail book of rocks & fossils-Martyn Bramwell The New Book of Optical Illusions-Ruschemeyer, Georg, The Night before kindergarten-Natasha Wing The Night sky-June English The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark-Jill Tomlinson, Paul Howard The Playful dolphin-Melvin Payne The Popcorn book-Tomie De Paola The Popcorn Shop-Alice Low, Patricia Hammel The Puppy Book-Jan Pfloog The Rainbow Fish-Marcus Pfister The Robot Book-Heather Brown, Accord Publishing, a division of Andrews McMeel The Secret Science Project That Almost Ate the School-Judy Sierra The Seed Song-Judy Saksie The Shape of Things-Dayle Ann Dodds The Skin You Live in-Michael Tyler The Smart Cookie (The Food Group) The Food Group -John, Jory, Oswald, Pete The Sneetches-Dr. Seuss The Story of Johnny Appleseed-Aliki The Story of the Pilgrims-Katharine Ross, H. L. Ross The Teeny Tiny Woman-Jane O'Connor, R. W. Alley The Tiny Seed-Eric Carle The Traveling Tortoise-Melanie L. Stine-shannon The Ultimate Book of Dinosaurs-Unknown The Vegetables We Eat-Gail Gibbons The Velveteen Rabbit-Margery Williams, Margery Williams Bianco The Very First Americans-Cara Ashrose, Bryna Waldman The very quiet cricket-Eric Carle The Young Astronomer-Sheila Snowden There's a Wocket in My Pocket!-Dr. Seuss This Old Man ...Pam Adams Tigers-Timothy L. Biel, John Bonnett Wexo Top Cat-Lois Ehlert Totem Pole- Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane, Migdale, Lawrence, Brand: Holiday House Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Classic Books With Holes)-Annie Kubler Ultimate Heroes Super Sticker Book (Ultimate Heroes: Super Sticker Book)-ASSORTED Umbrellabird's Umbrella-Heather Feldman, Nadine Bernard Westcott Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt-Kate Messner Usborne first skills starting gardening-Sue Johnson Usborne Hotshots Creepy Crawlies (Hotshots Series)-Hotshots Venomous animals of the calif desert-James Cornett We Ravens Three-Melanie Stine Shannon We're All Wonders Wonder (Books)-Palacio, R. J We're Different, We're the Same-Bobbi Jane Kates We're Very Good Friends, My Father and I-P. K. Hallinan Weekend log cabin quilts-Marti Michell Welcome to the World of Raccoons-Diane Swanson Welcome to the World of Squirrels-Diane Swanson Whales-J. Elizabeth Mills, Gallimard Jeunesse (Publisher) Whales-Seymour Simon What Good Is a Cactus?-Peter Marchand What If’s-Emily Kilgore What Is a Rainbow?-Catherine C. Mangieri What Makes a Magnet?-Franklyn M. Branley What Makes a Rainbow?-Betty Ann Schwartz When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry...-Molly Bang When We Go Camping-Margriet Ruurs Where Do Birds Live?-Betsey Chessen, Daniel Moreton Where Do Insects Live?-Susan Canizares, Mary Reid Where Does the Butterfly Go When It Rains?-May Garelick Where Fish Go in Winter-Amy Goldman Koss Where the wild things are-Maurice Sendak Who Eats What? : Food Chains and Food Webs –Patricia Lauber Who is the Beast?-Keith Baker Who Lives in the Rainforest?-Susan Canizares, Mary Reid Why Do Cats Meow? by Joan Holub Holub, Joan-Wild Cats Kari James, Diane Muldrow, Greg Harris Wow! It Sure Is Good to Be You!-Cynthia Jabar Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin (Aladdin Picture Books)-Lloyd Moss Zoo-Gail Gibbons Zoo books-owls-Zoo Books Zoom!-Diane Adams Zoom, Rocket, Zoom!-Mayo, Margaret

Spark Growth Library
Links to Useful Resources

Through the course of building our non-profit we have discovered wonderful resources for parents to continue helping your child to grow in their learning. Please enjoy all these wonderful assets
Below are some of the resources Spark Growth utilizes to help make this program a success.
Feel free to visit these sites to gain further understanding of the research based teaching styles and supports we have in place.
Resources to help struggling readers build phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.
Conscious Discipline is a leader in classroom management and provides a transformational, whole-school solution for social-emotional learning, discipline and self-regulation.
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.